Who TJ Dubler is

I find meaning and purpose in my life when I see that people around me are happy, so I diligently do everything I can to create an environment that supports the happiness of others. I come from a curious and explorative personality that has led me to become a classical pianist, impressionistic painter, outdoor enthusiast, studying scholar, philosophical thinker, religious believer, and empathetic friend. I am a third-year student studying environmental design at Montana State University. I will later obtain a Master of Architecture degree and a license.

My Architecture Mission

As an architect, I will be an empathetic leader that designs architecture with the virtues of serving nature’s diverse beauty, supporting lifelong learning in all walks of life, and responding to the needs and desires of the public. I am on this mission because architecture is the perfect profession for me with its creative range and how I will be able to shelter and share what others and I care about. As I continue to develop, I aim to pay my education forward as a future professor and mentor.